Thursday, April 28, 2011

PeanutButton Cookie

So my sister Hannah loves peanut butter cookies. I think she'll go nuts over these--cute as a button!
So far I've gotten rave reviews on cuteness and taste.
Locally made peanut butter?  Of course! It's Krema!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Edible Books Contest

What a great way to spend the 'eve' of April fools day! On march 31 Ly-Ly's entered into the professional category of the Edible Books Contest. It was the third of the Worthington Libraries' annual Edible Books competition. There were some really fantastic entries and the creativity was not only amazing but delicious!

I had so much fun brainstorming for
ideas. I knew I wanted to focus on cookies.....but what book? I ended up with One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest  which became #1 Flew Over the Cookies Nest. Guess what? I was one of the winners! The very best part--what I enjoyed the most was when it came time for everyone to have taste. Everyone dove in and came out smiling! The whole thing had been devoured! Awesome! I am certainly looking forward to next year!
You can check out some of the other entries and winners here!
